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Financial Statements

as of June 30, 2024

(Thousands of Yen)

Assets End of 44th Fiscal Period
(Dec. 31, 2023)
End of 45th Fiscal Period
(Jun. 30, 2024)
Current assets
Cash and deposits 27,775,890 24,118,071
Cash and deposits in trust 12,036,819 12,507,364
Operating accounts receivable 718,302 712,213
Prepaid expenses 134,389 127,907
Consumption taxes receivable 224,909
Other 27,683 20,361
Total current assets 40,693,085 37,710,828
Noncurrent assets
Property, plant and equipment
Buildings 72,115,994 73,007,638
Accumulated depreciation △25,598,975 △26,516,433
Buildings, net 46,517,018 46,491,205
Buildings in trust 96,995,953 102,052,278
Accumulated depreciation △39,806,726 △40,959,277
Buildings in trust, net 57,189,227 61,093,001
Structures 95,110 100,015
Accumulated depreciation △43,915 △46,450
Structures, net 51,194 53,565
Structures in trust 134,190 135,234
Accumulated depreciation △84,615 △86,996
Structures in trust, net 49,575 48,238
Machinery and equipment 885,153 916,009
Accumulated depreciation △616,794 △634,510
Machinery and equipment, net 268,358 281,499
Machinery and equipment in trust 1,977,455 2,016,995
Accumulated depreciation △1,531,114 △1,559,923
Machinery and equipment in trust, net 446,340 457,071
Tools, furniture and fixtures 265,851 272,280
Accumulated depreciation △142,234 △156,420
Tools, furniture and fixtures, net 123,617 115,860
Tools, furniture and fixtures in trust 326,128 353,867
Accumulated depreciation △219,578 △231,445
Tools, furniture and fixtures in trust, net 106,550 122,421
Land 145,964,796 145,964,796
Land in trust 205,823,796 230,946,581
Construction in progress 18,768 34,704
Construction in progress in trust 2,899 5,973
Total property, plant and equipment 456,562,143 485,614,920
Intangible assets
Leasehold right 11,801,831 11,801,831
Other 12,947 11,239
Total intangible assets 11,814,778 11,813,070
Investments and other assets
Investment securities 88,860 88,860
Lease and guarantee deposits 826,369 800,934
Long-term prepaid expenses 664,508 709,486
Other 710 720
Total investments and other assets 1,580,448 1,600,000
Total noncurrent assets 469,957,370 499,027,991
Deferred assets
Investment corporation bond issuance costs 136,975 124,706
Investment unit issuance expenses 15,111 7,930
Total deferred assets 152,086 132,637
Total assets 510,802,543 536,871,456
Liabilities End of 44th Fiscal Period
(Dec. 31, 2023)
End of 45th Fiscal Period
(Jun. 30, 2024)
Current liabilities
Operating accounts payable 3,292,699 3,467,323
Short-term loans payable 17,000,000
Current portion of investment corporation bonds 8,000,000 3,000,000
Current portion of long-term loans payable 15,000,000 21,000,000
Accounts payable-other 921,549 972,707
Accrued expenses 89,582 67,152
Income taxes payable 605 605
Accrued consumption taxes 365,825 160,699
Advances received 2,839,663 2,894,872
Other 1,466 172
Total current liabilities 30,511,391 48,563,533
Noncurrent liabilities
Investment corporation bonds 27,900,000 27,900,000
Long-term loans payable 154,500,000 161,500,000
Tenant leasehold and security deposits 10,595,861 10,606,453
Tenant leasehold and security deposits in trust 13,542,543 14,596,719
Total noncurrent liabilities 206,538,404 214,603,173
Total liabilities 237,049,796 263,166,706

Net assets End of 44th Fiscal Period
(Dec. 31, 2023)
End of 45th Fiscal Period
(Jun. 30, 2024)
Unitholders' equity
Unitholders' capital 261,751,240 261,751,240
Voluntary reserve
Reserve for reduction entry 4,639,105 4,418,095
Total voluntary reserve 4,639,105 4,418,095
Unappropriated retained earnings
(undisposed loss)
7,362,400 7,535,414
Total surplus 12,001,505 11,953,509
Total unitholders' equity 273,752,746 273,704,750
Total net assets 273,752,746 273,704,750
Total liabilities and net assets 510,802,543 536,871,456