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Financial Statements

as of December 31, 2023

(Thousands of Yen)

Assets End of 43rd Fiscal Period
(Jun. 30, 2023)
End of 44th Fiscal Period
(Dec. 31, 2023)
Current assets
Cash and deposits 27,056,051 27,775,890
Cash and deposits in trust 12,285,353 12,036,819
Operating accounts receivable 585,133 718,302
Prepaid expenses 126,086 134,389
Consumption taxes receivable 13,604
Other 21,670 27,683
Total current assets 40,087,899 40,693,085
Noncurrent assets
Property, plant and equipment
Buildings 71,054,645 72,115,994
Accumulated depreciation △24,692,241 △25,598,975
Buildings, net 46,362,404 46,517,018
Buildings in trust 96,131,588 96,995,953
Accumulated depreciation △38,728,727 △39,806,726
Buildings in trust, net 57,402,861 57,189,227
Structures 94,381 95,110
Accumulated depreciation △41,434 △43,915
Structures, net 52,946 51,194
Structures in trust 130,848 134,190
Accumulated depreciation △82,311 △84,615
Structures in trust, net 48,537 49,575
Machinery and equipment 851,609 885,153
Accumulated depreciation △599,522 △616,794
Machinery and equipment, net 252,087 268,358
Machinery and equipment in trust 1,938,100 1,977,455
Accumulated depreciation △1,504,418 △1,531,114
Machinery and equipment in trust, net 433,681 446,340
Tools, furniture and fixtures 243,571 265,851
Accumulated depreciation △129,699 △142,234
Tools, furniture and fixtures, net 113,871 123,617
Tools, furniture and fixtures in trust 311,209 326,128
Accumulated depreciation △208,610 △219,578
Tools, furniture and fixtures in trust, net 102,598 106,550
Land 145,954,517 145,964,796
Land in trust 205,823,796 205,823,796
Construction in progress 14,508 18,768
Construction in progress in trust 3,750 2,899
Total property, plant and equipment 456,565,560 456,562,143
Intangible assets
Leasehold right 11,801,831 11,801,831
Other 14,817 12,947
Total intangible assets 11,816,648 11,814,778
Investments and other assets
Investment securities 88,860 88,860
Lease and guarantee deposits 808,280 826,369
Long-term prepaid expenses 528,440 664,508
Other 710 710
Total investments and other assets 1,426,290 1,580,448
Total noncurrent assets 469,808,500 469,957,370
Deferred assets
Investment corporation bond issuance costs 150,911 136,975
Investment unit issuance expenses 22,371 15,111
Total deferred assets 173,282 152,086
Total assets 510,069,681 510,802,543
Liabilities End of 43rd Fiscal Period
(Jun. 30, 2023)
End of 44th Fiscal Period
(Dec. 31, 2023)
Current liabilities
Operating accounts payable 2,658,042 3,292,699
Short-term loans payable 5,500,000
Current portion of investment corporation bonds 5,000,000 8,000,000
Current portion of long-term loans payable 20,000,000 15,000,000
Accounts payable-other 978,420 921,549
Accrued expenses 84,966 89,582
Income taxes payable 605 605
Accrued consumption taxes 182,161 365,825
Advances received 2,808,557 2,839,663
Other 2,138 1,466
Total current liabilities 37,214,891 30,511,391
Noncurrent liabilities
Investment corporation bonds 30,900,000 27,900,000
Long-term loans payable 144,000,000 154,500,000
Tenant leasehold and security deposits 10,641,493 10,595,861
Tenant leasehold and security deposits in trust 13,338,894 13,542,543
Total noncurrent liabilities 198,880,387 206,538,404
Total liabilities 236,095,279 237,049,796

Net assets End of 43rd Fiscal Period
(Jun. 30, 2023)
End of 44th Fiscal Period
(Dec. 31, 2023)
Unitholders' equity
Unitholders' capital 261,751,240 261,751,240
Voluntary reserve
Reserve for reduction entry 4,118,301 4,639,105
Total voluntary reserve 4,118,301 4,639,105
Unappropriated retained earnings
(undisposed loss)
8,104,860 7,362,400
Total surplus 12,223,161 12,001,505
Total unitholders' equity 273,974,402 273,752,746
Total net assets 273,974,402 273,752,746
Total liabilities and net assets 510,069,681 510,802,543